The class: Was interesting. We missed the first class so we were a little lost on some things. We talked mostly about relaxation techniques and different pain management techniques for different situations. A lot of it was very interesting. I’m not too into the “Go to your happy place” type stuff.. When I’m in pain.. I don’t want Aaron trying to take me on a metaphorical walk through a garden with bird chirping. I would be pretty likely to kick him in the stomach at that point!!! even though it was REALLY nice in class and I almost fell asleep a couple time, I don’t think that’s going to help me much on the actually birthing front! The couples there were soooo much more in tune with everything. And asked amazing questions. I really thought I was educated on everything and had done a lot of research. But man.. I was wrong! I think we’ll really get a lot out of this class and I’m so glad we got in. The teacher is AMAZING! I knew she would be, so I’m glad I wasn’t disappointed! And knowing our Doula was trained by here makes me even more excited!!!! SO…. After class we went to Aaron’s hockey game. The team is just entering playoffs. This was their first play off game. The team consists of Aaron, His older brother, Our brother in law, our brother in laws brother, His younger brother and one of Aaron’s friends. And honestly.. they have soo much fun. Aaron always loves going every week. But… well.. they haven’t exactly ever won. Not even come close.. but they have fun and it’s great exercise and it’s good for all the boys to just get some time to themselves. I really wanted to make it just one game, and I’m glad I went last night.The pictures are HORRIBLE!! not only because of the crapppy lighting but also the giant net that surrounds the rink..Sorry.. Just pretend…Um.. this is the boys.. playing.. I guess.. Aaron’s team wears the camo shirts. The other team was wearing red…
Aaron playing more defense….
Um.. Aaron standing there waiting to play defense!! (if you could see this picture big.. the score is 1-1!!! Then at one point it was 2-2.. I actually was thinking maybe the family being there was the boost they needed and they might actually pull this one off..)
Ummm… yea… or maybe not… the final score was “the other team” – 17 “Our team” – 2
Better luck next time boys!!!!!!!!!!
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