vendredi 28 juin 2013
He came to us as a baby
jeudi 27 juin 2013
kate broughton..
my good friend helene (who's band you should give a good long listen to, for sure.) sent me a link to kate broughton's etsy site, squealing that she had bought a meerkat and gold crest bird felted brooch while she was on her latest tour. ummm, meerkat? brooch? click! it's true, meerkat brooches are available along with kate's other handmade animals like a hedgehog, chicken, and a ring tailed lemur (a lemur!). those are just a few brooch offerings on her etsy shop, she's also got totes and more. but don't just stop at kate's etsy shop, check out her site where you'll see her illustrations as well. girl has got a talent bone for sure.
mercredi 26 juin 2013
O My Husbands siblings
mardi 25 juin 2013
I heart LA..
While the transfer of those perfect 3 embryos was definitely the highlight of our 3rd and final trip to LA (all in 8 weeks!), we also had a lot of fun while there.
They wanted us to fly in Sunday night, transfer Monday afternoon then fly out Tuesday afternoon. BUT.. I’m a little bit of an over achiever and thought, “Hey, why not fly in earlier and spend all day having FUN!!! One last hurrah before taking care of little beans for 10 months!”
SO.. we planned a CRAZY early flight, rented a car and decided to hit up Universal Studios.
But that wasn’t really enough for me, because if you are going to do something shouldn’t you do it ALL THE WAY??
May I introduce you to the “FRONT OF THE LINE PASS!!!!!”
That little tag hanging around our necks meant we simply walked on to any ride. No waiting out in the hot sun, no trying to entertain ourselves for 50, 60 or 70 minutes. We also had reserved seating at every show.
Don’t ask how much it was, just know it was worth every ounce of our sanity. (And kinda made us feel EXTRA special all day.) It was just what I needed..
After almost 10 hours at Universal Studios (and NUMEROUS times on EVERY ride. (The Simpsons ride was AWESOMEEEE!!! beeteedubs..)) We headed back to our car and had NO idea we’d be arriving at this castle of a hotel..
I couldnt think of a better place to have a little R&R after the transfer..
And the transfer was TOMORROW!!! Playing all day had kept my mind off it, but as we settled in late at night, it began to really sink in.
But not nervousness, just anticipations and excitement. I also couldn’t WAIT to see the parents.
We were thankful for late night room service, and also our very first full room service meal! (p.s. I PROMISE I had the salad.. not the pizza!)
We made sure that meal knew who was boss and settled into our castle beds.
The morning held so much for us!
I have already talked about the transfer, but left out the only picture we took at the transfer.. Me and my best friend “My Wandy.”
Man.. I was SO ready for that moment.
I was grateful the doctor didn’t ask me to be on STRICT bedrest. So we made the most of the beautiful California weather and preformed “bedrest” outside!
Anddddd… mayyyybe snuck away for one last city dinner. There is NO way we could go to Pasadena and not visit the Melting Pot. That cheese was calling me.
And really.. I walked no more than about 5 feet the whole night so it was practically bedrest! :)
And we put the hurt on that pot of cheese. (or maybe 2 pots of cheese..) But no one will tell on us. And I think the babies REALLLY liked it too!
And uh.. I probably shouldn’t leave out one itsy bitsy teeny tiny detail of our trip..
Meet our new twins.. :)
lundi 24 juin 2013
The first playoff game
The class: Was interesting. We missed the first class so we were a little lost on some things. We talked mostly about relaxation techniques and different pain management techniques for different situations. A lot of it was very interesting. I’m not too into the “Go to your happy place” type stuff.. When I’m in pain.. I don’t want Aaron trying to take me on a metaphorical walk through a garden with bird chirping. I would be pretty likely to kick him in the stomach at that point!!! even though it was REALLY nice in class and I almost fell asleep a couple time, I don’t think that’s going to help me much on the actually birthing front! The couples there were soooo much more in tune with everything. And asked amazing questions. I really thought I was educated on everything and had done a lot of research. But man.. I was wrong! I think we’ll really get a lot out of this class and I’m so glad we got in. The teacher is AMAZING! I knew she would be, so I’m glad I wasn’t disappointed! And knowing our Doula was trained by here makes me even more excited!!!! SO…. After class we went to Aaron’s hockey game. The team is just entering playoffs. This was their first play off game. The team consists of Aaron, His older brother, Our brother in law, our brother in laws brother, His younger brother and one of Aaron’s friends. And honestly.. they have soo much fun. Aaron always loves going every week. But… well.. they haven’t exactly ever won. Not even come close.. but they have fun and it’s great exercise and it’s good for all the boys to just get some time to themselves. I really wanted to make it just one game, and I’m glad I went last night.The pictures are HORRIBLE!! not only because of the crapppy lighting but also the giant net that surrounds the rink..Sorry.. Just pretend…Um.. this is the boys.. playing.. I guess.. Aaron’s team wears the camo shirts. The other team was wearing red…
Aaron playing more defense….
Um.. Aaron standing there waiting to play defense!! (if you could see this picture big.. the score is 1-1!!! Then at one point it was 2-2.. I actually was thinking maybe the family being there was the boost they needed and they might actually pull this one off..)
Ummm… yea… or maybe not… the final score was “the other team” – 17 “Our team” – 2
Better luck next time boys!!!!!!!!!!
dimanche 23 juin 2013
Jen Mann..
"My work comes from my own experienceand understanding of society and how I fit into it. We forget that weare animals, we expect ourselves to not act like one or behave asone. As though we should fit into perfect molds and live up tounrealistic expectations. The series is called 'Fera' which is the Latin origin of the wordferal. It's a personal escape for me. I think artists arecertainly people who feel the pressures to fit into society. But wejust want to be wild."
I should say that Jen followed that quote up with a laugh, which I find totally charming and sincere. You can see more of her work on her website or check out Nature Noir, a group show with Bethany Davis and Lacey Hedtke at Mahan Gallery. Nature Noir opens March 5th.
The painting below, Two Minutes In Heaven Is Better Than One Minute in Heaven, is part of Jen's series Tandem.
jeudi 20 juin 2013
Borderlands 2, prima immagine della Mechromancer
Borderlands 2 si prepara a ricevere un interessante DLC il prossimo 16 ottobre che permetterà ai giocatori di inserire una nuova classe di personaggio oltre le quattro già disponibili: la Mechromancer. Oggi è stata pubblicata la prima immagine in-game (in testa all’articolo) relativa a questa classe, che si prospetta già molto interessante per tutti coloro che volessero aggiungere un po’ di pepe alla già eccellente struttura di gioco del nuovo Borderlands.
La classe Mechromancer è rappresentata da una ragazza cyborg che vista la sua particolarità potrà vantare di diverse abilità tecnologiche, oltre a quella più interessante: la possibilità di poter evocare un possente mech per ricevere assistenza in battaglia.
mercredi 19 juin 2013
on triggers and the continuum of better
mardi 18 juin 2013
Sergio Membrillas..
Sergio Membrillas sent me a short but sweet little email, so I decided to check out his blog and sadly I can not read Spanish...but I liked what I saw. He's a super talented illustrator for sure. The below drawing was in last month's BUST.
lundi 17 juin 2013
Deedee Cheriel..
I noticed some work I hadn't seen of Deedee Cheriel up on Merry Karnowsky Gallery today as I looked into Mel Kadel's show. It is work from 2009 but still worth sharing as it's so lovely. I love the decadent folk vibe of Deedee's work so much. Her work reminds me of a mash up of amish quilts and Hieronymus Bosch. I posted a little q&a I did with Deedee Cheriel back in October here.
dimanche 16 juin 2013
Sneak Peek Simon Peplow at Superb Bicycle..
A few months ago I asked Simon Peplow to show at the Boston bicycle boutique Superb. Simon is big into bikes and an avid cyclist so it seemed like an obvious fit. There will be original work along with limited edition prints specifically made for Superb. The show opens on December 4th from 6-8 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Here is a little sneak peek of some of the work that will be in the show, Sprocket Rockets.
vendredi 14 juin 2013
motherhood invades all (even my phone)
jeudi 13 juin 2013
New Prints Tony Bevilacqua..
mercredi 12 juin 2013
Kelly Louise Judd..
samedi 8 juin 2013
Jux Blog Kenji Nakayama..
vendredi 7 juin 2013
Still waiting.
The crib has been cleaned out.. and even a sheet is on it!!!
The bags are packed….
This one is kinda scary.. but funny….