mercredi 31 juillet 2013
Reader Love Milana Braslavsky..
The first day.. and Halloween
They really wanted to start giving me presents so CC started.. She painted me a picture for the babies room.. It’s a forest theme with a tree and some snow flakes. It will look great in the babies room! :)
Puppy was so excited to have new friends….
But most importantly the girls got to spend some quality time together. Friday we took them to the movies and they got to go all by themselves and see 2 movies!! I think they had a good time…
Then is was time to get dressed for the night…Here is CC as Tinkerbell…
She’s always posing….
And the Em as “Super Girl”
Me and the girls before heading out.. (oh.. and baby too!)
This one is really cute……
Halloween was a lot of fun… but the next day was even better!!! Baby showers coming up….
mardi 30 juillet 2013
Assassins Creed 3 #8211; Prime anticipazioni svelate da un sondaggio
SURVEY – Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood è uscito da meno di 20 giorni (tranne la versione PC, prevista nei primi mesi del 2011), eppure già si parla del capitolo successivo. La stessa Ubisoft ha generato una nuova corrente di rumors quando, lo scorso 27 Novembre, il publisher Geoffroy Sardin accennò alla Russia ed all’Antica Roma come possibili ambientazioni del nuovo AC. Se anche voi state seguendo con attenzione qualsiasi possibile anticipazione riguardante Assassin’s Creed 3, sarete felici di sapere che Ubisoft ha rilasciato in rete un sondaggio per chiedere agli appassionati cosa vorrebbero vedere nella nuova avventura della serie! Vi elenchiamo le opzioni messe a disposizione:
- Un upgrade per la spada dell’Assassino che consenta maggior fluidità e velocità mentre ci si muove al di fuori dei combattimentiUn Occhio Dell’Aquila migliorato che permetta di: seguire i movimenti delle guardie, individuare indizi negli enigmi più complessi, scoprire quando i personaggi mentono durante gli interrogatori ecceteraUn intuitivo strumento di crafting che consente di costruire bombe da dozzine di ingredienti recuperabili nell’ambiente di giocoUso tattico di una varietà di bombe adattabili a contesti e situazioni particolari (bombe fumogene, velenose, accecanti, esplosive eccetera)Un obbiettivo addizionale secondo il quale il protagonista e la Gilda degli Assassini combatte contro i Templari per acquisire il controllo di una città, distretto dopo distrettoControllare un nuovo Assassino, in un periodo storico differenteUn sequel della storia di Ezio come leader degli Assassini, ambientato fuori dall’ItaliaUn collegamento più profondo e curato tra tutti i progetti Assassin’s Creed (per esempio, un’azione compiuta sul gioco di Facebook avrà un impatto sull’esperienza di gioco per la versione console; eventi contenuti nei fumetti si ricollegheranno alla trama dei videogames eccetera)Modalità cooperativa onlineModalità cooperativa offlineLa disponibilità di nuove mappe per il multiplayerUna scelta tra nuovi personaggi per il multiplayer, tutti contraddistinti da caratteristiche ed abilità proprieNuove modalità nel multiplayerUn profondo team-system basato sulle esperienze nel multiplayer (gilde/squadre con obbiettivi comuni, nuovi strumenti per la gestione del clan eccetera)Possibilità di personalizzare la propria esperienza di gioco nel multiplayer (loghi, avatar, oggetti, nomi delle squadre eccetera)
Questo è quanto.
dimanche 28 juillet 2013
back to o my roots
vendredi 26 juillet 2013
will you just look at this beauty other..
i just got back from nyc. and i am dead tired! soo much traffic. i'm dying for my bed, crying out for it...but i wanted to get this up cause i know you will love it. for cereal. please kindly take a look at the beauty before you: other's work. if you don't know it already, i suggest you pull up a seat. i love his work so much i am willing to deprive myself of a few less hours of shut eye to bring you this. don't ever say i don't love you. other's work is so gorgeous it's worth it. other is an artist of few words. so i don't know much about him. this is what i know for sure:
no website (just a flickr account, go there now!).not represented by any up coming shows to mention.he's a world traveler.oh and this, i know this, hot damn his work is good. especially other's pieces on trains, it's refreshing to see such dynamic pieces full of color on those old rusty box cars. you can check out all of other's pieces here. there is pleanty to pour over and look at. you'll see what a hard time i had trying to decide what to post. goddamn. goodnight!
faith like a child
mardi 23 juillet 2013
matthew dent..
mercredi 10 juillet 2013
paper monster check it..
untitled. swoon.
the folks over at paper monster are really outdoing themselves. a limited edition print site that started up in october offers prints from the likes of swoon, borf, kozyndan, and jeremiah maddock just to name a few. swoon's first piece for paper monster sold out in a heart beat. it's a gorgeous laser etched screen print of swoon's trademark skeletal paper cuts on dyed news print. it was stunning on the site, i can only imagine what it looks like in person.
over the next few days, (sorry, you are just going to have to wait w/ baited breath!) paper monster will release a print from the australian artist anthony lister. it should be pretty amazing, and most likely won't stick around too long. so bookmark those guys and get yourself something nice this holiday season because you deserve it we all know you work so hard!
below and above are some of the prints they have offered, some still available some sold out. check it.
we're fucking serious. borf.
sleep. jeremiah maddock.
a moving mass. kozyndan.
lundi 8 juillet 2013
Betsy Walton never ceases to make me want eveything she does..
This painting is available...and if I had some scrilla I'd be all over it. I have always been a fan of Betsy's, I love her use of imagery and color. She transcends imagination perfectly.
jeudi 4 juillet 2013
ESPO Images Up on White Walls..
I am in love with Steve Powers if only because of his incredible lettering alone. If you're not even mildly fascinated by ESPO, I suggest you get your head examined. I'm talking Renaissance. Plus, any once been graffiti artist that wears his heart on his sleeve and works to create community?...hook, line and sinker, I'm sunk. It's all over. I'm ga-ga. See more of ESPO's show that opened on Saturday at White Walls. Check out install photos as well. Fecal has also got up some great opening night shots.
mercredi 3 juillet 2013
mardi 2 juillet 2013
why the crib sucks more
lundi 1 juillet 2013
married at thirteen.
I wrote below that I'll be incorporating designers I find inspiring now on the blog. I figured what better way to start this new era than with the scarves I spotted on Fieldguided. Anabela has hinted a few times about scarves they are making...and I can not wait til they are available. Look at how gorgeous they are!